Articles by JP Marin Arrese

About the Author

JP Marin Arrese
Juan Pedro Marín Arrese is a Madrid-based economic analyst and observer. He regularly publishes articles in the Spanish leading financial newspaper 'Expansión'.

Are Euro zone debt levels sustainable?

MADRID | Forcing peripheral economies to sacrifice growth leads nowhere except to future tempests should their debt sustainability come under suspicion once again.

Chancellor Merkel

Bail-in ring-fences German taxpayers

MADRID | Being a policy issue prominently underlined in all main German parties’ manifestos, the full safeguard bank creditors have enjoyed under past bail-out schemes seems doomed in future.


Risk immunity leads to banking abuse

MADRID | Any economy, save for a Soviet one, is run under the healthy guiding rule that smart decisions are rewarded and wretched ones get penalised by the market.

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Cyprus lose-lose plight

So long stiff capital control measures are in place the economy will enter into a free-fall. But as soon as they are lifted, the run on accounts might likely lead to a banking collapse.

Cyprus rescue

The Cyprus mess

MADRID | Was it necessary to impose such a hard medicine for a bail-out amounting to roughly €10 billion? The only plausible answer lies in the forthcoming German general elections bound to banish all common sense for future months.

PM Rajoy

Political instability weighs on Spain’s agenda

MADRID | The Spanish government has suddenly disappeared from Europe’s scene. In the midst of a deep recession it crosses fingers hoping the German general elections’ aftermath might break the current deadlock on financial mutualisation and help to reconstitute the Southern front.

olli rehn

The austerity Apostle’s conversion

MADRID | Something is moving in the EU. Those who up to now advocated doses of further austerity to cure Euro zone ailments, start faltering at the huge damage inflicted on the economy.

US Obama

In US we trust

MADRID | Europe is unable to deliver growth on its own. By sticking to fiscal virtue, no matter the price as Ms Merkel has recently voiced, it lacks enough stamina to get out of the current recession.