

Risk immunity leads to banking abuse

MADRID | Any economy, save for a Soviet one, is run under the healthy guiding rule that smart decisions are rewarded and wretched ones get penalised by the market.

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In brief: the Dow Jones is overvalued

MADRID | Juan Enrique Cadinanos, at Hanseatic Brokerhouse, thinks US equity markets are too expensive for a slowed down economy under the burden of a huge state debt.

Cyprus crisis

Cyprus crisis too big to handle for Mr Schäuble

NICOSIA | By  | After the failure of the EU’s €10bn Cyprus rescue plan, the German Minister of Finance has questioned the island’s low tax regime. However, a well known journalist argues that following the 1974 Turkish invasion, Nicosia had no option but to offer tax breaks.

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Charts we know of the Cyprus crisis

By 2017 the two largest Cypriot banks–Bank of Cyprus and Cyprus Popular–face debt repayments of €11 billion or 86 percent of the whole economy’s output.

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Rating Italy (and others)

MADRID| By Luis Martí | Lower ratings undermine market confidence, and weak market conditions are displayed as a major cause of your own lack of confidence. Looping the loop. No wonder investors rely less and less on ratings agencies.

Cyprus rescue

The Cyprus mess

MADRID | Was it necessary to impose such a hard medicine for a bail-out amounting to roughly €10 billion? The only plausible answer lies in the forthcoming German general elections bound to banish all common sense for future months.