Madrid unleashes German severity against financially rebellious regions


By Julia Pastor, in Madrid | Politicians leading the Spanish autonomous regions and officials appointed by these politicians will be charged for criminal liability when their public finances end up with a deficit balance, and may be punished by a term of imprisonment. This measure, tailored to enforce control over the public deficit, will be inserted on a reform of the Government Transparency Law.

During an interview on Wednesday with radio broadcaster SER, in which the measure has been announced, the minister of the Treasury Cristóbal Montoro said that

“What is not good is the invoices kept in a drawer, the lack of transparency and the mounting figures of debt left unpaid […] A political leader cannot spend beyond budgetary limits. If one wants to, he can increase taxes and then expect the taxpayers decision when elections come.”

This news comes in addition to the one that Mr Montoro had revealed on Tuesday, after the finance regional ministers&#0

39; meeting: the Spanish government will intervene regions in the case of systematic breach of deficit goals or payment commitments. According to the analysts of Ahorro Corporación Financiera,

“this decission should dispel doubts about future failures in the regions’ deficit goals.”

Furthermore, the ministry of Finance assured that

“the Spanish government holds itself responsible to avoid that any region has liquidity problems.”

The digital daily El Confidencial commented about Montoro’s words that they

“are almost the same of those of Merkel and Sarkozy in the most difficult times of Greece when it was needed to calm down the markets: we will not allow any country to leave the euro.”

Anyway, both moves are in tune with the austerity measures recommended and expected by the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, for all the European Monetary Union member countries.


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The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.