
ence energiaycelulosaCM

Ence takes over SNIACE’s forestry assets and seed orchards

GroupLink Securities| Spanish pulp and energy company Ence (ENC) announced on Friday that it has been awarded the forestry assets of SNIACE (SNC) in the auction held as part of the company’s insolvency proceedings, Bolsamania.com reported. Ence said that with this transaction, it continues in sustainable forest management, a strategic business line for the group and fully aligned with its commitment to the bioeconomy. Also, this award will allow the…


Ence says it has signed a contract with a major brewery for conversion of thermal processes based on gas, fuel oil or coke

Link Securities| The company’s president, Ignacio Colmenares, has claimed that the company has signed a contract with a major brewery based on the transformation of thermal processes based on gas, fuel oil or coke by a pure electric solution or a mixed solution with biomass depending on the temperature and pressure at which companies need steam. The ENC executive also pointed out that before the end of this month the…

Ence: Buy cellulose during Chinese New Year

Ence 3Q19 EBITDA falls -57% vs 3Q18

Banc Sabadell | Ence has published bad results for 3Q19, although more or less in line with expectations at the level of Ebitda. Thus sales fell -8.4% vs 3Q18, somewhat better than expected (-11.1% BS expectation and -12.6% consensus) above all because of a greater volume of sales.