UBS forecasts

UK Budget: Deja-Vu, All Over Again

The Chancellor’s latest Budget saw the cumulative forecast for government borrowing over the next five years revised up by close to GBP 40bn. This reflects both weaker cyclical growth and also the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) taking a gloomier view on UK trend productivity growth.


Greek banks will not need full amount of EU bailout

Athens may need no further than €10 billion to recapitalise its main financial institutions. These are the funds in the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund to cover the sector’s requirements. Looks like in Brussels there is a broader consensus that the figures revealed by the ECB are “encouraging”.

IOSCO Secretary General David Wright

Markets supervisor: With its capital markets union Brussels is behind the curve

MADRID | March 26, 2015 | By Ana FuentesDavid Wright is charged with overseeing international securities regulators in his role as Secretary General for IOSCO. In an exclusive interview with The Corner, he speaks of the need for greater urgency in integrating global capital markets. He also notes that a failure to understand the changes taking place in global financial markets could be hindering economic growth.

The global economy in the year 2018

Uncertainty hits global economy

MADRID | March 24, 2015 | By J.P Marín-Arrese | On face value, Europe is recovering from a bad spell while the US is growing at an invidious rate. However, the wild currency swing may yet destabilise the global economy. Janet Yellen’s remarks on the threat of an overvalued dollar were designed to preserve a balanced performance, and indeed sparked a quick reaction in exchange rates. Yet, as the ECB unfurls its massive quantitative easing programme, volatility in the currency markets could inflict further damage. 

coffee with beans

Morning briefing: US Fed language will focus attention

The Corner | March 16, 2015 | The week ahead is likely to be dominated by the FOMC meeting in the US.  Market watchers are expecting some movement on the semantics of pronouncements by the US Fed. In essence, any change in language will signal that a rates hike from the central bank is drawing closer.

Eurozone big gobs are borrowing at really low rates

Draghi’s QE

MADRID | March 10, 2015 | By Luis Arroyo | Six years after the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England launched their QE programmes, the ECB proceeded on Monday. Will Mario Draghi at least have the same partial success as his peers? That is, being able to slowly revive the economy and restore hope that the situation is getting back on track. In the graph above, see how five EZ governments are already borrowing at super low rates.

Tsipras Juncker TC

Morning briefing-ECB to begin buying sovereign bonds

The Corner | March 9, 2015 | The ECB will finally begin its purchasing of sovereign bonds today, but as ever, the Greek question continues to loom in the background. Greece will return to the forefront of events today at the meeting of the Eurogroup of finance ministers in Brussels. Weekend remarks from the Syriza led government seemed to spell out just how precarious the government’s financial situation now is. Yet once again, the country and its creditors appear polls apart on how best to proceed.