

IIF: “The era of European solidarity is over”

WASHINGTON | “Investors would be well advised to see the outcome of Cyprus both as a reflection of how future stresses will be handled, and a reminder that efforts to shift the liabilities associated with legacy bad bank assets.”


Uneven fiscal consolidation in the eurozone

BARCELONA | By CaixaBank analysts | It is expected that, in some cases such as Spain or France, the European Commission will ease the extent of fiscal consolidation required over the coming years.

Cyprus bailout

Cypriot savers’ fault

LONDON | While the average German bank deposits have returned some $130 per $1,000 since 2008, the Cypriot figure almost doubles it. Yield information like this throws a very different light over what is happening this week in Cyprus.

Cyprus rescue

The Cyprus mess

MADRID | Was it necessary to impose such a hard medicine for a bail-out amounting to roughly €10 billion? The only plausible answer lies in the forthcoming German general elections bound to banish all common sense for future months.