European companies


UBS: Q2 European earnings – 40 months of downgrades…

BERLIN | Alberto Lozano | In Europe the publication of first half results is about to end with 2/3 of companies having already published. The data shows that European companies are coming out of the long period of downgrades and are regaining positive terrain in earnings. A stronger euro has been a headwind to revenues this quarter and the worsening relations with Russia might disturb this European recovery in the coming months.


Fidelity: investors should look again into equity of European companies

LONDON | For all the mayhem some peripheral countries of the euro zone are meant to be causing nowadays, a few investor notes circulate throughout the City with eager eyes looking into opportunities in the European Union. For instance, at investing house Fidelity, analysts pondering about equity income say that the euro region’s debt crisis appears to have gone into a period of remission after the combined impact of a…