European financial sector


Downward revisions in Europe have only just begun; usually takes 7-8 months until they touch bottom

Morgan Stanley | Q3’22 results have been very similar to those of Q2’22 and Q1’22, substantially better-than-expected in terms of revenues and also strong in terms of profits, although to a lesser degree. There was a fairly negative skew in publications, with those stocks which published better-than-expected figures rising very little, while those which presented worse numbers fell sharply. Financials and energy were the two sectors which published better figures,…

european banks2

Financial Sector Shields Itself From Coronavirus Shock; Brussels Helps With Regulatory Loosening

In the midst of the Q1 2020 earnings season, the financial sector is beginning to protect itself from the more than likely economic shock of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, The European Comisssion offered European banks temporary relief from capital regulations that could boost credit by up to €450 Bn this year. Brussels argued that the economic damage caused by the coronavirus crisis would justify a “selective” relaxation of the regulations introduced in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse.