liquidity injections

fiscal easing

$15 Billion In Stimuli For A V-Shaped Recovery

Frenzied rate cuts (more than a hundred worldwide) and liquidity injections by various central banks, amounting to more than $6 trillion, added to the fiscal stimuli of all kinds already committed for another $9 trillion. An unprecedented aid package that amounts to 19% of the world’s GDP in 2019. All aimed at trying to achieve a V-shaped recovery that will mitigate the effects (-5% of world GDP) of such an unexpected recession.

Central banks' QE was a powerful driver of the economy and markets

Central Banks: Quantitative Tightening, Very Very Frightening?

Multiple rounds of quantitative easing and liquidity injections resulted in more than a four-fold increase in the aggregate G4 central banks balance sheet in the last decade. This experience has many worried about a “quantitative tightening ” trade. Here analysts at BoAML argue that those worries can be put off for another day.

interest rates

Central banks’ tightening: Learning to live without $33 trillion

WASHINGTON | By Pablo Pardo | The party is about to end. It is a party that has lasted six years. According to Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, during that time, the approximately 173 central banks that exist worldwide have lowered interest rates 520 times and pumped in approximately $33 trillion into the world through different mechanisms, some of them extremely unconventional.


What can one do with €800 billion?

By Nuño Rodrigo | | While our European leaders battle with a crisis seemingly impossible to be resolved, while euro zone third and the fourth economies feel threatened by the danger of being rescued because they cannot afford to access the markets, and while for all of these reasons the world approaches a crisis relapse, the guardian of austerity secrets and price stability wakes up every day with a sack of almost…