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Mercadona To Raise Salaries By 5% To Adapt To Inflation

According to today’s Expansión newspaper, the Spanish retail leader – with a market share of close to 25% – has become the first major company to take measures to prevent inflation from causing a loss of purchasing power for its more than 93,000 employees in Spain. The figure rises to 95,000 workers if its teams in Portugal are added, whose salaries will also be adapted in that market. Inflation closed…

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Valencia-based little giant Mercadona makes a 19pc-net profit jump

Spain’s largest supermarket chain increased its turnover in 2011 to €17.831 billion, 8% up from 2010’s figures. The company, whose headquarters are in Valencia, brought some Mediterranean sun over the Spanish economy when it released this week its 2011 results. Mercadona’s productivity growth rate was 2%, earning a profit after tax of €474 million or 19% more than in 2010. Also, the supermarket has created 6,500 new permanent jobs in 2011,…