non-performing loans

Italian banks results

Looming Banking Crisis in Italy Casts Another Shadow on Eurozone

Peter Lundgreen via Caixin| What should be deeply worrying about the growing banking crisis in Italy is the origin of the non-performing loans. One significant sector is retail and wholesale, meaning it’s a widespread problem. A severe banking crisis is a shock for any economy and will, in many cases, hamper economic growth. This is the risk that Italy and the Eurozone are facing.


Sabadell, Bankia H1 results prompt different stock market reaction

The banks’ non-performing loans ratio continues to show signs of recovery amid the ongoing deleveraging process on the part of households and companies. The balance of impaired loans fell by 18.3% in May to 121,865 billion euros. Against this backdrop, Banco Sabadell and Bankia were the first banks to present their first half results’ report. And the Spanish stock market reacted in a completely different way to each report.

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Spanish Banking Sector Non-performing Loans Reach Record in September

MADRID | The Corner Team | The balance of non-performing loans of the Spanish banking sector rose in September to reach a new record of 12.68 percent, since the 12.12 per cent in August, according to provisional figures that the Bank of Spain reported on Monday. The volume of non-performing loans rose 6.888 billion euros, up to 187.830 million euros.