pablo casado


The Media And The PP: To Inform, To Express An Opinion Or To Decide

Fernando González Urbaneja | The PP’s current crisis, with an uncertain outcome as yet, as there is still much to be done, is a good case study of the role of the media in the evolution of politics and events. The basic function of journalism is to inform with a diligent search for the truth. Reporting after verifying sources and protagonists with transparency, admitting some exceptions, but not many. Sources…


Might The Extreme Right Come To Power In Spain?

J.P. Marín-Arrese | The centre-right party leader, Mr Casado, has been at odds for months with the president of the Madrid region, Ms Díaz Ayuso. He has not provided any convincing reasons for refusing her bid to head the PP in the Madrid region. Now, we know he feared a corruption scandal might spark off as the regional government, which she heads, granted a public procurement to a family friend…


Outright War In The PP

The latent tension in the Partido Popular (PP) in recent months between the party’s national leadership and the president of the Community of Madrid exploded out of control yesterday. On Wednesday night two national media – El Mundo and El Confidencial – published that the party had spied on Ayuso. The alleged spying was allegedly intended to produce a dossier with evidence of the alleged corruption that has been touching…


What Would Sánchez Do In Casado’s Place?

Fernando González Urbaneja | It is a speculative but interesting question to take the political temperature of these liquid times. The Sánchez method in the face of government alliances is none other than to do what the mathematics indicate… apart from a German-style grand coalition. Sánchez made a pact with Unidos Podemos, with the addition of ERC, Bildu and others, contrary to all his repeated and emphatic statements of the…


Casado Needs An Advisor

Fernando G. Urbaneja | The leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, is floundering as head of the opposition between the harsh discourse (with one eye on VOX) and the responsible one, with the other eye on Moncloa. He wants to appear as a reliable leader to govern, but also as a tough guy in the face of his adversaries. And little by little, he is sliding more towards the latter…

tc debate

Spain: The Election Debate that Changes Little

Shaun Riordan | The other oddity of the debate was the almost complete absence of policy. Many commentators have already noted the absence of economic policy from the election campaign. Last night there was no mention of health or the key issue of further reform of the labour market.