In Spain

Sanchez Gomez

Sánchez loves Gomez… and threatens to resign on the day a judicial investigation into his wife’s shady business dealings is opened

Yesterday morning, a judge opened an investigation into the shady business dealings of Begoña Gómez, the wife of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, which we have already reported on in The Corner: “Something fishy in La Moncloa: Pedro Sánchez’s wife recommended two companies in a public tender for a €7-million contract” And in the afternoon, in a letter posted on his social networks, the president of the government announced that…

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Talgo diferente

Government asks Criteria to put together Spanish counter-bid for Talgo to avoid Ganz Mavag’s

Alphavalue/ Divacons | The Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, said yesterday that “we must wait for other players”, referring to the takeover bid by the Ganz Mavag consortium for Talgo, which the government is rejecting. Among these “players”, Puente wants Criteria, the investment arm of La Caixa, which, according to government sources, has been contacted to put together a counter-bid with a Spanish stamp. In fact, the newspaper Expansión suggests…