In Europe

Budget cuts

Politically correct euro austerity misfires

MADRID | Without the debt mutualisation well organised single-currency unions have, the euro zone is nothing but a bunch of weak links. Citi strategist JL Campuzano advocates for deeper budget consolidation now, for economic growth in the near future.


After five years of economic crisis

In peripheral countries such as Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, the political class has been clearly overwhelmed by the crisis and its devastating effects, says commentator Carlos Díaz Güell.

Europe crisis

The Euro won’t break up, yet Europe might collapse

MADRID | Will European leaders ever jointly move forward? The more the global economy slows down and recession looms too over core euro zone countries, the farther Europe finds itself from agreeing in letting the central bank do its work.


The slow march towards European integration

MADRID | “Given that it took four years to complete the negotiations of the Treaty of the Union until it was signed in 1992, given the depth of the issues, it is conceivable that this time it won’t be a lot simpler,” says Carlos Díaz Güell.

EU summit

Oops, Angela did it again

Economist Luis Arroyo describes the dimensions of the troubles the Spanish banking system faces and concludes that Chancellor Angela Merkel has, again, made the wrong moves during the last EU summit.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and FMIs Christine Lagarde

Ask Germany why: growth failure turns Euro zone instable

Germany isn’t just refusing to play the paymaster’s role, it effectively is barring the way towards a banking and a true economic union for the euro zone. The upcoming summit could be one more missed chance to fix the common currency area.

No Picture

Tobin Tax claims first 11 victims

Past performance casts doubts over what European governments will achieve by implementing the Tobin Tax on financial transactions. Funding costs for banks and their clients, though, will surely increase.

ECB hawks

IMF growth forecast dampens Spain’s prospects

Investors’ hoping that Madrid successfully implements the 2013 Budget were left wondering again after the IMF announced its gloomy expectations. For economist JP Marín Arrese, Spain’s euro partners will make a mistake if they keep pushing the country into the same line Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been forced to walk.