Gas Natural becomes Naturgy

TAQA negotiates with CVC and GIP a €26,000-million bid for Naturgy

TAQA, the Emirates giant, confirmed yesterday that it is negotiating with CVC and GIP, and in agreement with La Caixa, an offer for 100% of Naturgy. Because if an agreement is reached for CVC and GIP to sell, and given that they account for more than 40%, TAQA would have to make a takeover bid for 100%. After the confirmation of the negotiations, the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) suspended…

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Crédito y CauciónCrédito y Caución
bce lagarde a bril 2024 1

Christine Lagarde insists ECB remains on track to cut interest rates in near term

Link Securities| In an interview for the US portal CNBC, ECB President Lagarde said yesterday that the central bank is still on track to cut interest rates in the short term, subject to any major shocks. She said they are observing a disinflationary process that is proceeding in line with their expectations. He added that they just need to build a little more confidence in this disinflationary process, but if…

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Banner CIR, junio 2022

IMF outlook

IMF revises growth projections upwards, signals “soft landing” for global economy

BancaMarch | The good and “less good” news from the IMF forecasts. Starting on the more optimistic side, they revise growth projections slightly upwards and suggest that the global economy may be approaching a “soft landing”. The “less good” refers to projections over a five-year horizon (+3.1%), the lowest in decades. GDP growth estimates for the global economy in 2024 increase by one tenth of a percentage point from those…

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“Spain has a good energy plan but if things don’t change, it won’t be fulfilled”

José Bogas, ENDESAS’s CEO, explains in Consejeros magazine that “295,000 million of investment is needed for the period 2021-30, and we have many years ahead of us when when we are not investing at this pace. Of these 295,000 million, 118,000 million are for renewables; 85,000 for energy efficiency, but almost nothing has been done so far; 53,000 for networks, which is more than 5,000 every year and we have…

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“An electric car in Germany today emits more CO2 than a diesel or a petrol car. That’s the reality, because 50% of electricity is generated with coal”

The CEO of Repsol, Josu Jon Imáz, took part on June 22 in a debate organised by the newspaper El Correo, and took the opportunity to warn of the hypocrisy, inefficiency and paradoxes of European energy policy.For example, in Spain it is forbidden – by law – to explore for and produce natural gas “and at the same time we are encouraging companies to bring gas from the United States,…

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…in the last week