electricity prices


The Rise In Electricity And Gas Prices Will Cost €9 Bn to Spanish Consumers, Says Bank Of America

The financial entity calculates the impact that the current energy price crisis will represent for the main European countries at around 107,000 million euros. Spain is not the country where this shock to the domestic consumer will be the greatest since in theUk will amount to 27,700 million euros, while in Italy it will be 24,500 million euros, in Germany 23,000 million euros and in France 22,100 million euros.

electricity prices

The Soaring Electricity Prices To Lower The Spanish GDP Growth In 2021 and 2022 by 0.1% And 0.3 %, Respectively

Oriol Carreras Baquer & Eduard LLorens i Jimeno (CaixaBank) | The price of electricity, something that would usually barely catch the reader’s attention, has populated the headlines and been a topic of dinner conversations since the middle of the year. This change is not a trivial one: the price of electricity soared beginning in July, and by October it had almost quadrupled the average for 2018-2019. What is the reason for this increase and what impact will it have on the economy? These are the questions that this article attempts to answer.

wholeshale electricity market

Brussels Says No To Spain’s Calls To Leave The European System For Setting Electricity Prices

In a document fixing its position at yesterday’s meeting of energy ministers in Luxembourg, the government requests the European Commission to be able, as an “exceptional measure”, to “decouple” electricity market prices and limit the price of gas. ” While Spain presented this document the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, said in Madrid that the measures adopted by countries to curb the impact of the rise in wholesale prices on electricity bills must be “temporary” and “respect the single European market”.

red electrica cableado

Government Vs Electricity, A Conflict That Remains

Fernando González Urbaneja (La República) | The government and the electricity companies, more specifically Iberdrola and Endesa, have accepted a state of conflict. And they are acting accordingly, to the detriment of everyone else. What could have been an opportunity to cooperate for the benefit of the community has turned into a conflict of power with conflicting egos. The two major electricity companies did not participate in this week’s renewable…

Acerinox cool

Spanish Industry Starts To Grind To A Halt Due To The Price Of Energy, The Most Expensive In Europe

In September, Spanish industry paid the most expensive energy price in Europe: 102.55 euros MW/h, compared to 43.83 euros in France and 69.19 euros in Germany, El Mundo reports. These prices are an inevitable death sentence, for example, for the over 600 workers at Alcoa’s aluminium factory in San Ciprian (Lugo). They have been demonstrating for weeks, demanding a solution to the announced closure of the plant and a price…


Utilities Propose Measures To Reach An Agreement Before The Royal Decree On Gas Is Ratified

Banco Sabadell | The Ministry of Transition has begun the round of negotiations with the electricity companies (last week it was the turn of Endesa, Acciona and EDP and today it will be the turn of Naturgy and Iberdrola). The idea is to try to reach an agreement before next Thursday, which is when the gas Royal Decree will be ratified. Among the sector’s proposals, Iberdrola proposes supplying nuclear production at a closed long-term price to small consumers with less than 10 kW of power under the regulated tariff. A bilateral contract, in line with what France does, where the price would cover its fixed and variable costs and possible life extensions (c. 60 euros/MWh). This proposal eliminates the risk for power plants and would leave hydro and renewables free to market. The risk is that there would be a migration from the free to the regulated domestic segment (now 38%).

Spanish electricity market

Chaos In The Spanish Electricity Sector

The Spanish government has entered the electricity sector like a bull in a china shop. On the wholesale market the price of energy continues to reach record highs day after day. Meanwhile the Expansión newspaper reports that last weekend, for the first time in history, several wind farms and photovoltaic plants preferred to shut down rather than sell electricity at a loss. According to the daily 5 Días, more than…


Naturgy “Freezes” The Price Of Electricity At €60 MWh

Naturgy, the third Spanish electricity company in terms of number of customers, behind Endesa and Iberdrola, is freezing electricity tariffs at the levels they were before the price hikes. This is to prevent users from suffering the uncontrolled increases the market is experiencing. To this end, from 15 September, it is offering to apply a cap of 60 euros per megawatt hour to all customers currently on regulated tariffs. Beyond…

wholeshale electricity market

The Government Cuts Electricity Companies “Extraordinary” Income

CdM | The Government cuts electricity companies’ “extraordinary” income by €2.6Bn: €1.221Bn for Iberdrola, €976Mn for Endesa, €188Mn for Naturgy, €144Mn for Acciona and €71Mn for EDP. On Tuesday, the government approved through a Royal Decree-Law a shock plan to contain the escalation of electricity and gas prices. According to Morgan Stanley’s analysis team the measures – assuming they are effective in Q4’21 and Q1’22- will have a strong impact…

wholeshale electricity market

The Spanish Electricity Sector Reform Will Force Large Utilities To Auction Part Of Their Energy Out Of The Pool

The price of electricity in Spain once again break through the historical maximum yesterday and exceedeed 150 euros for the first time in history. In order to cushion the impact of these soaring prices on electricity bills, the government is preparing a shock plan whose main measure will force the major electricity companies (Iberdrola, Endesa, Naturgy and EDP) to auction energy among retailers and industrial companies.