banking sector

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Spanish companies welcomed again by the markets and foreign investors

By Tania Suárez, in Madrid | Thanks to the current environment of improved trust and confidence levels, Spanish companies and banks have reopened the primary market. Santander was the first one, followed by Sabadell, BBVA, Banesto and Telefónica. Repsol and Ferrovial joined to this debt issuing, and it is expected that Pescanova will be the next one. Some experts see the European Central Bank’s open bar of liquidity, together with…

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Botín, the master of Spanish finances

By Julia Pastor, in Madrid | The president of the bank Santander Emilio Botín knows very well what he is talking about, and from where he is talking. He has a privileged position. He leads the most powerful and respected bank, not only in Spain but also in Europe. That is why on Tuesday, during the conference press to render and explain the banks’ last year results, he could afford…

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FT’s French mistake

Spain’s best-seller financial daily Expansión reflected on Friday how adamant the country’s banking authorities are to clear the air after the Financial Times named seven entities among a European selection of 16, all of which apparently were in extremely urgent need to raise tier 1 capital. “The British newspaper FT yesterday published, quoting a senior French official, that the European Union is to push for critical re-capitalisation of 16 banks and…

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FT's French mistake

Spain’s best-seller financial daily Expansión reflected on Friday how adamant the country’s banking authorities are to clear the air after the Financial Times named seven entities among a European selection of 16, all of which apparently were in extremely urgent need to raise tier 1 capital. “The British newspaper FT yesterday published, quoting a senior French official, that the European Union is to push for critical re-capitalisation of 16 banks and…