Spanish economy

Spain's banking sector

Brussels opens proceedings against Spain for failing to complete transposition of European rules on bank restructuring and resolution

In addition, the European Commission has also given Spain a two-month ultimatum to transpose the directive on receivables managers and purchasers into national law. In two separate proceedings, Brussels has, on the one hand, opened a sanctioning file against Spain for failing to fully transpose the amendments to the directive on bank rescue and resolution, which relate to the prudential treatment of global systemically important institutions and the loss-absorbing and…

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Talgo building

Pegaso International, consortium controlling 40.22% of Talgo, inclined to reject Skoda’s offer

Link Securities | According to different sources consulted, the offer of the Czech company Skoda for Talgo meets with the doubts of the majority shareholders of the company, the newspaper reported yesterday. Pegaso Internacional, the consortium that controls 40.22% of the railway company through the sum of the stakes of the Oriol family, the family office Torreal and the private equity firm Trilantic Capital Partners, is sceptical about the…