
IreneHernandez copia

“Fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe”

Irene Hernández, coordinating advisor of Ence, and advisor of Elecnor and Saint Croix explains that “In Spain and in the European Union, there are times when we are regulating too much and putting brakes on economic growth… fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe. We are not in a position to…

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Carlos Delclaux: “Europe has busied itself with giving lessons… but it has grown very fat with contentment”

Fernando Rodriguez: Interview with Carlos Delclaux, president of Vidrala and Vocento board member. “The EU has busied itself lecturing the whole world on renewable energies. But a project of this magnitude should have guaranteed supply, and an orderly transition process to ensure that along the way you don’t run out of industry or that citizens don’t suffer ‘energy poverty’… But Europe has grown too fat with contentment. And we are…