exports gorgeous

Spanish Exports Stagnate

Luis Alcaide | In the past month of December, exports increased by 2.7% year-on-year, while for the entire year of 2024, they grew a modest 0.2%. Exports did not decline for the whole year, but their value in euros also did not advance; they practically remained stagnant. The total figures for 2024 amounted to €384.465 billion, lower than the €387.599 billion reached in 2022. This decrease in export volumes is…

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Crédito y CauciónCrédito y Caución

Acciona among companies in talks with Masdar to buy assets in Spain, Portugal and France

Norbolsa | Masdar is exploring several M&A operations to grow Saeta (acquired from Brookfield) and turn this group into its major expansion platform in Western Europe. Thus, they are in talks with EDP, Acciona and Totalenergies to buy various assets in Spain, Portugal and France, especially in wind power. Industry sources indicate that these transactions could add another 1,000 MW in operation, which at market price would be around €1billion….

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Banner CIR, junio 2022

japon gente calle

Japan shows surprising 2.8% growth in 4Q24 vs. 1.7% previously

Bankinter | Japan’s GDP surprised positively in 4Q 2024. GDP was up 2.8% (quarter-on-quarter annualised) versus 1.1% estimated and 1.7% previous (revised from 1.2%). Quarter-on-quarter was up 0.7 against a 0.3% estimated and 0.4% previous (revised from 0.3%). Our team’s view: Good news. The Japanese economy is growing more than expected, which together with inflation clearly above the 2% target (up 3.6% in December), will allow the BoJ to continue…

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IreneHernandez copia

“Fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe”

Irene Hernández, coordinating advisor of Ence, and advisor of Elecnor and Saint Croix explains that “In Spain and in the European Union, there are times when we are regulating too much and putting brakes on economic growth… fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe. We are not in a position to…

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“Mercosur is perhaps an idea that people have fallen in love with and are keeping because everyone is too embarrassed to liquidate it”

Fernando Gónzález Urbaneja interviews José Juan Ruiz, president of the Real Instituto Elcano and director of Redeia, in Consejeros, who states that “The intellectual prestige of pessimism is one of the characteristic features of Western civilisation. But, to give an example: in terms of CO2 emissions, everything may be in chaos, people’s perception may be that we have done nothing, but the European reduction in emissions is 32% compared to…

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…in the last week