Articles by Luis Alcaide

About the Author

Luis Alcaide
Luis Alcaide works as an economist for the Spanish government since 1961. He has been state adviser in the European Union and Bank of Spain director of communications. Alcaide published editorial articles in Spain's leading newspaper El País between 1977 and 1983, and in Diario 16 between 1985 and 1988. He regularly contributes to Economía Exterior and Política Exterior. He's founder member of Grupo Consejeros.
exports gorgeous

Spanish exports fall 6.4% in November

Luis Alcaide | Spanish merchandise exports did not perform well last November, falling by 6.4% year-on-year in euros. This is compared to a decline of 4.1% in the eurozone, 2.7% in Italy, and 5.1% in France. Imports also recorded a decrease of 3.7% compared to November 2023. The export-import coverage rate stands at 86.4%, one of the lowest levels in the last decade for the month of November. The year-on-year…

exports gorgeous

Spanish exports fall 4.8% in last twelve months

Luis Alcaide | There were already warning signs, but the fear has been confirmed in the latest data on Spain’s export trade available for the month of May. In May, the value of exports recorded an increase of 2.3%, which fails to offset the decline of the first months of the year. Thus, in the last twelve months, the value of Spanish exports has fallen by 4.8% over the previous…

exports gorgeous

Spanish exports lose steam but trade deficit narrows

Luis Alcaide| The value of Spanish exports in August has repeated the pattern of the last ten years, albeit with less vigour. Exports fell by 14% year-on-year compared with July and by 10% year-on-year. The evolution of imports follows the same pattern, down both year-on-year and year-on-year. The trade deficit, €4,435.1 billion in August, is down substantially compared to €7,937.2 billion in August 2022. The lower trade deficit together with…

Madrid Gran Via2

Ireland exposes Spain’s closed-mindedness on Wealth Tax

Luis Alcaide | The international press is talking about 100,000 Chinese investors willing to leave part of their capital in Ireland to continue their residence in the country. The attraction is simple: one million euros in investment funds or two million euros in equity investments, with a commitment to maintain them for three years. A stay of one day per year is sufficient. Chinese from Hong Kong and the Republic…

china shipping

China once again upsets September’s foreign trade figures

Luis Alcaide | Little has emerged from the face-to-face meeting between Xi Jinping and Pedro Sánchez during the G7 meeting in Bali. Only the Spanish Prime Minister’s request to his Chinese counterpart to exercise his best offices with Vladimir Putin to stop his invasion and destruction of Ukraine. Nothing has come to light about the bilateral relations between Spain and China, despite the fact that China is the leading international…

US China trade tensions

China Deepens Spain’s Trade Deficit

Luis Alcaide | At the end of July, Spain’s trade deficit amounted to 38.524 billion euros compared to 6.995 billion in 2021. The explanation was none other than the imbalance between purchases and sales with China and the countries of the Middle East, amounting to 38.503 billion euros. The People’s Republic of China has become the main supplier of goods to Spain. In the first seven months of the year,…

Sanchez Aragones

Espionage By The CNI And The Dealings Between Catalan Nationalists And Putin’s Collaborators

Luis Alcaide | Espionage and misunderstandings between Catalan supporters of Esquerra and Spanish supporters of the PSOE. The Spanish state, like any other, is doing its duty in the face of possible aggressions against its integrity and the liberty of its citizens. The director of the CNI, Paz Esteban, explains herself in the Congress of Deputies. The pro-independence parties and the most left-wing leftists do not quite accept the arguments…

spain savings rate

Feijóo’s Tax Cuts In Times Of Inflation, A Credible Alternative

Luis Alcaide | In the wake of his meeting with Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, the main opposition candidate Alberto Nuñez Feijóo, recently elected president of the Partido Popular, complained that he had not been heard on his proposals on taxation: a reduction in personal income tax for taxpayers with lower incomes in order to compensate for the greater frequency of the effects of inflation. This is neither a pro-vo¬lu¬tionary nor…

exports gorgeous

China Becomes Spain’s Leading Supplier

Luis Alcaide (Capital Madrid) | The current account balance of payments recorded a surplus of 8.428 billion euros in 2021, when exports grew by 21% and imports by 24%, with China as the leading supplier (11.9% of our imports vs. 9.6% for Germany and 9.1% for France). In the face of the avalanche of unquieting news, Spain’s political and economic health in the first months of this year 2022 and…


Putin Returns To Brezhnev’s Interventionist Doctrine

Luis Alcaide | Early morning of 26 February 2022. Invasion of Russian troops. I don’t know whether I’m in Madrid or in the Bucharest of that morning on 21 August 1968. At that time, 170,000 Warsaw Pact soldiers were invading Czechoslovakia, and the Prague Spring was a political and economic threat to the communist bloc. Czechoslovakia, which was a developed pre-World War II society and economy, offered in 1968 economic…