In Spain

Spain's banking sector

Brussels opens proceedings against Spain for failing to complete transposition of European rules on bank restructuring and resolution

In addition, the European Commission has also given Spain a two-month ultimatum to transpose the directive on receivables managers and purchasers into national law. In two separate proceedings, Brussels has, on the one hand, opened a sanctioning file against Spain for failing to fully transpose the amendments to the directive on bank rescue and resolution, which relate to the prudential treatment of global systemically important institutions and the loss-absorbing and…

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exports gorgeous

Spanish exports fall 4.8% in last twelve months

Luis Alcaide | There were already warning signs, but the fear has been confirmed in the latest data on Spain’s export trade available for the month of May. In May, the value of exports recorded an increase of 2.3%, which fails to offset the decline of the first months of the year. Thus, in the last twelve months, the value of Spanish exports has fallen by 4.8% over the previous…