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Spain: Labour costs rise by 18.5% more than gross salaries over five-year period due to increase in contributions

El Economista | An average salary of €26,555 gross per year is associated with an additional labour cost of €9,340 totaling €35,900 by the end of 2023. In 2018, before the surge in labour costs, a company paid €30,880 in labour charges for a gross payroll of €23,000. Thus, while the gross salary has increased by just over €3,500, total charges have risen by €5,900. In summary, companies today pay…

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Crédito y CauciónCrédito y Caución
cellnex novisimo

Cellnex considers sale of stake in Swiss subsidiary, worth over €1.1 billion

Norbolsa | Cellnex (CLNX) has hired JP Morgan as an advisor to explore the potential sale of its stake in the telecommunications group’s subsidiary in Switzerland. It currently holds a 72% stake which, according to press reports, could have a market value of around €1.1 billion. This would imply valuing 100% of the subsidiary at €1.5 billion. This divestment would be the fourth in a row after sales in Austria,…

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Banner CIR, junio 2022

EEUU construccion

US economy creates 2.2M jobs in 2024, returning to average pace of pre-pandemic job creation

Banca March: Job growth in December rebounds to 256,000 new jobs, above the 165,000 expected by the market and also above November’s 212,000 (revised down from 227,000). The employment rate fell by one tenth of a percentage point to 4.1% and the total participation rate remained stable at 62.5%. Moreover, wages climbed at a pace of 3.9% year-on-year (0.3% month-on-month) maintaining a reasonable pace of growth, one tenth below last…

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IreneHernandez copia

“Fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe”

Irene Hernández, coordinating advisor of Ence, and advisor of Elecnor and Saint Croix explains that “In Spain and in the European Union, there are times when we are regulating too much and putting brakes on economic growth… fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe. We are not in a position to…

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“Mercosur is perhaps an idea that people have fallen in love with and are keeping because everyone is too embarrassed to liquidate it”

Fernando Gónzález Urbaneja interviews José Juan Ruiz, president of the Real Instituto Elcano and director of Redeia, in Consejeros, who states that “The intellectual prestige of pessimism is one of the characteristic features of Western civilisation. But, to give an example: in terms of CO2 emissions, everything may be in chaos, people’s perception may be that we have done nothing, but the European reduction in emissions is 32% compared to…

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…in the last week