Botin Santander

“We are giving Spaniards cheaper mortgages today than what we lend to the State,” explains Santander president

“And corporate credit in Spain is now cheaper than in Germany, according to data from the ECB survey” (3.69% vs 3.70%), emphasized the president of Spain’s largest bank, Ana Botín, who saw a rise of more than 8% in the stock market yesterday after announcing profits of €12.574 billion (up 14%) with a revenue increase of 10%. ( ) The board intends to increase shareholder returns and also announces a…

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Crédito y CauciónCrédito y Caución
eurozona mapa billete 1

Eurozone retail sales fall 0.2% in December, but annual average retail volume level grows 1%

CdM | Eurozone retail sales recorded a decline of 0.2% in December compared with the previous month, while they increased by 1.9% compared with the same month a year earlier, according to data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union (EU). Thus, in 2024, the annual average level of retail volume grew by 1% in the euro area. Across the EU, retail sales fell by 0.3% in…

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Banner CIR, junio 2022

airtificial robot

Airtificial signs two automotive projects, one in China and one in India

Link Securities | Airtificial (AI), through its Intelligent Robots business unit, has signed two automotive projects for the design, manufacture and turnkey delivery of linear systems in India, for the assembly and verification of driving systems, and in China, for the assembly of electric steering, according to the Bolsamanía portal. Their manufacture is part of the company’s global geographical diversification plan, and they strengthen its position in electric mobility, while…

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IreneHernandez copia

“Fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe”

Irene Hernández, coordinating advisor of Ence, and advisor of Elecnor and Saint Croix explains that “In Spain and in the European Union, there are times when we are regulating too much and putting brakes on economic growth… fifteen years ago, the European economy was larger than that of the U.S. Today, the U.S. economy is one and a half times that of Europe. We are not in a position to…

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“Mercosur is perhaps an idea that people have fallen in love with and are keeping because everyone is too embarrassed to liquidate it”

Fernando Gónzález Urbaneja interviews José Juan Ruiz, president of the Real Instituto Elcano and director of Redeia, in Consejeros, who states that “The intellectual prestige of pessimism is one of the characteristic features of Western civilisation. But, to give an example: in terms of CO2 emissions, everything may be in chaos, people’s perception may be that we have done nothing, but the European reduction in emissions is 32% compared to…

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…in the last week