Spain's banking sector

Brussels opens proceedings against Spain for failing to complete transposition of European rules on bank restructuring and resolution

In addition, the European Commission has also given Spain a two-month ultimatum to transpose the directive on receivables managers and purchasers into national law. In two separate proceedings, Brussels has, on the one hand, opened a sanctioning file against Spain for failing to fully transpose the amendments to the directive on bank rescue and resolution, which relate to the prudential treatment of global systemically important institutions and the loss-absorbing and…

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Crédito y CauciónCrédito y Caución

Macron to not name prime minister until end of August, after Olympics are over

Banca March: Emmanuel Macron has announced that he will not appoint a prime minister until the end of August, once the Olympic Games are over. The French president declared that ‘until mid-August we must focus on the Olympics’. He also indicated that after that time and depending on the progress of the negotiations, it will be his responsibility to choose a prime minister and entrust him with the task of…

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Banner CIR, junio 2022


Negative impact on CrowdStrike will be prolonged in short term

Bankinter | A flaw in an update to its Falcon platform has caused incidents worldwide on Windows-based devices. The company has acknowledged that the security patch installed in the early hours of Thursday to Friday morning was the cause of failures when logging on to Windows devices, locking them, displaying the blue screen of death (BSOD) and preventing a reboot. CrowdStrike has also confirmed that it is close to being…

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“Mercosur is perhaps an idea that people have fallen in love with and are keeping because everyone is too embarrassed to liquidate it”

Fernando Gónzález Urbaneja interviews José Juan Ruiz, president of the Real Instituto Elcano and director of Redeia, in Consejeros, who states that “The intellectual prestige of pessimism is one of the characteristic features of Western civilisation. But, to give an example: in terms of CO2 emissions, everything may be in chaos, people’s perception may be that we have done nothing, but the European reduction in emissions is 32% compared to…

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“Spain has a good energy plan but if things don’t change, it won’t be fulfilled”

José Bogas, ENDESAS’s CEO, explains in Consejeros magazine that “295,000 million of investment is needed for the period 2021-30, and we have many years ahead of us when when we are not investing at this pace. Of these 295,000 million, 118,000 million are for renewables; 85,000 for energy efficiency, but almost nothing has been done so far; 53,000 for networks, which is more than 5,000 every year and we have…

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…in the last week