fed enero 2024

US: Fed shifts rate cut outlook from 2024 to 2025 and 2026 as CPI falls to +3.3% in May

Bankinter: The Fed meets expectations and keeps interest rates (Fed Funds) at 5.25%/5.50%. With respect to the macro picture, it maintains the GDP forecasts for 2024, 2025 and 2026. However, it revises upwards both Inflation (PCE) and Underlying Inflation in 2025 and 2026 and continues to miss the 2% target until 2026. The Unemployment Rate is also revised slightly upwards in 2025, 2026 and in the longer term. With regard…

fed enero 2024

Fed members talk of “patience”, first cut not likely until end of year or even 2025

Banc March: Round of statements from Fed members, where the word “patience” has been recurrent in their speeches and they delay the first cut to the end of the year and even 2025. The Atlanta Fed president believes that inflation is too high and does not consider it appropriate to lower the cost of money until the end of the year. He also said he was open to raising rates…

fed powell enero 2024

Fed chairman confirms policy rate spike but will not cut rates until confident inflation is close to 2%

BancaMarch: Federal Reserve Chairman has confirmed the peak in official interest rates. Jerome Powell, has kept his January speech unchanged, indicating that monetary policy will change course at “some point this year”, without specifying a date. He also emphasised the risks of bringing forward the cuts too soon, resulting in a return of inflation and the need for an even tighter policy. Thus, the Fed will not cut rates until…

fed edificio

US banks ready to use Fed funding mechanism, Standing Repo Facility, that has been dormant for over two years

Norbolsa| Banks are finally signing up for a US Federal Reserve funding mechanism that has been largely dormant for more than two years, putting them in a stronger position to cope with any stress. It is unclear, however, whether they will want to use it in the event of a crisis. The Standing Repo Facility allows banks to borrow emergency overnight cash from the Federal Reserve through a repurchase agreement,…

fed powell enero 2024

Most Fed advisers warn of risk of cutting interest rates too soon

Bankinter: The main messages to come out of the 31 January meeting are: Growth outlook revised upwards after a solid Q4. Employment and wages remain strong but have moderated. The overall and underlying PCE readings will continue to decelerate in 2024, but are still off target. Uncertainty in the projections remains high, but has been reduced. Risks to the inflation projections stand out. Fed members put on the table the…

fed powell nov 2023

Powell looking for time

BancaMarch: Powell’s first press conference of the year. At this meeting, the top US monetary authority will try to buy time in the face of the markets, reaffirming the message of caution in the face of inflation far from the 2% target and a resilient economy. We do not expect any changes in interest rate policy and it does not seem to be the time to announce anything regarding the…

Fed 10junio19 1

Powell considers it “premature” to talk about rate cuts

Bankinter| Fed Chairman Jerome Powell made a statement in which he considered that it is premature to talk about rate cuts. In fact, they are prepared to act by raising rates if necessary. They will continue to take decisions meeting by meeting but monetary policy will remain restrictive until there is certainty that they are close to the 2% target. On the labour market, conditions remain very solid. The recent…

fed powell nov 2023

Fed remains cautious and meets expectations, leaves rates at 5.25/5.50%

Bankinter| The US Federal Reserve (Fed) met expectations and left the benchmark interest rate unchanged at 5.25%/5.50%. Assessment: The Fed’s statement did not introduce any new developments and the decision met expectations by repeating rates once again. However, the key to the meeting was Powell’s message. In line with the previous meeting, the tone remained cautious. The Fed Chairman once again said that the central bank “will proceed carefully”, avoiding…

Federal Reserve

Rate hikes cannot curb inflation

J.P. Marín-Arrese | The Fed kept rates on hold this week. Yet, Jerome Powell shattered hopes they had reached a ceiling, announcing in the press conference that an extra hike was in the pipeline before the year-end. Inflation is still running too high and will likely take much longer than expected to match its medium-term goal. Powell was at odds in justifying why rate stiffening has neither cooled the economy…

FED julio 2023

Most Fed members believe monetary policy tightening to continue to be necessary

Bankinter| On Wednesday, the Minutes of the last Fed meeting (25/26 July) were published. On that occasion the Fed raised rates +25 b.p. to 5.25%/5.50% and insisted on following a data-dependent approach in future meetings. In the minutes most participants insist on the need to continue to fight inflation, which remains high (+3.2% in July for headline and +4.7% for core). On the other hand, some members warned of the…