
Euro coins

Money supply slows down in euro area in December

Banca March | Money supply in the euro area slows down in December, with M3 increasing by +3.5% year-on-year compared to +3.9% previously. However, credit data were more positive, as loans to companies and households rebounded: specifically, loans to households grew at a pace of 1.1% (two tenths of a point higher than the previous month), pushed up by loans granted for house purchases (up 1.1%) and those related to…

Eurozona IPC 1

Eurozone annual inflation rises to 2.4% in December

CdM: The annual inflation rate in the euro area was 2.4% in December 2024, up from 2.2% in November. A year earlier, the rate was 2.9%. Annual inflation in the European Union was 2.7% in December 2024, compared with 2.5% in November. A year earlier, the rate was 3.4%. These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The lowest annual rates were recorded in Ireland…

eurozona superavit comercial

Eurozone generates €16.4-billion goods trade surplus with rest of world in November, down from €18.2 billion one year ago

Link Securities | According to the first estimate of the data, released yesterday by Eurostat, the Eurozone economy generated a trade surplus in goods with the rest of the world of €16.4bn in November, compared to a surplus of €18.2bn generated in the same month in 2023 and up from €8.6bn in October. The FactSet consensus of analysts expected a lower reading of €9.0 billion. Eurozone exports of goods to…

IPC varios Eurozona.

Industrial producer prices rise by 1.6% in euro area; 1.2% decline in annual comparison

CdM | Industrial producer prices rose by 1.6% in the euro area and by 1.7% across the European Union (EU) in November compared with the previous month, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office. Compared with November 2023, industrial producer prices declined by 1.2 per cent in the euro area and 1.1 per cent in the EU. In the monthly comparison, in the euro area, industrial producer…

mercado europeo bonos

M3 monetary aggregate rebounds 3.8% year-on-year in November, accelerating from 3.4%

Link Securities | The ECB reported yesterday that the monetary aggregate M3 rebounded 3.8% year-on-year in November, accelerating the pace of growth from 3.4% in the previous month and exceeding the 3.5% increase expected by FactSet consensus analysts. The ECB also reported that bank lending to households in the Eurozone rose 0.9% year-on-year in November, accelerating from 0.8% in the previous month. November’s is the fastest pace of growth in…

empleo eurozona

Eurozone labour costs slow down in Q3, growing 4.6% year-on-year vs. 5.2% previously

Bankinter : Labour Costs rebounded 4.6% in Q3 against 5.2% previously (revised up from 4.7%). Wages were up 4.4% versus 4.9% previously (revised up from 4.5%). Our view: Wage pressures remain elevated and will hamper the ECB’s rate cut process in upcoming meetings. This is especially so as they will be coupled with a more hawkish Fed as a result of the pick-up in inflation that will be triggered by…

alemania empleo agencia

Eurozone unemployment rate remains at record low of 6.3% in October

Bankinter: The October Unemployment Rate repeats at 6.3%, as expected. No surprises and no market impact. In any case, it is an excellent historical low level within a slightly downward trend during the last years. Eurostat estimates that in October 10.841 million people were unemployed in the Eurozone. Compared to September, unemployment decreased by 3,000 people in the Eurozone. Compared to October 2023, unemployment decreased by 411,000. By Eurozone countries,…

Eurozona IPC

November confidence indicators: consumer confidence falls to -13.7 (vs. -12.5) in Eurozone, and business confidence to 96 (vs. 97.4) in France

Intermoney: The confidence indicators were published yesterday in the Eurozone, both the one referring to consumers and the one referring to businessmen. Regarding the former, in the Euro zone as a whole we saw a noticeable change for the worse, with consumer confidence as compiled by the EC falling to -13.7 pts (vs. -12.5 est.). Concerning the business climate, in this case we had the national reading in France, which…

eurozona superavit comercial

Eurozone August trade balance disappoints: surplus falls sharply to €11.0 billion from €17.6 billion

Intermoney | Eurozone trade balance figures for August disappointed as the trade surplus narrowed quite a bit, to €11bn (vs. an estimated €17.6bn). At the same time, July’s data was revised down to a surplus of €13.7 billion. The euro area’s surplus in trade in goods with the rest of the world also narrowed, mainly due to lower exports of machinery and vehicles. Trade tensions were more than evident with…

IPC varios Eurozona.

3% fall in energy prices vs. August 2023 drives Eurozone’s new disinflationary advance

Singular Bank: According to Eurostat’s final reading, in August the year-on-year rate of change of the Eurozone’s headline CPI stood at 2.2% (versus 2.6% in July), representing its lowest level in three years. In a situation in which monthly prices grew at a faster pace of 0.1% (versus 0.0% in July). This new advance in the disinflationary process was driven by the fall in energy prices of 3.0% with respect…