In Europe


No Euroscepticism Please, We’re German

PRAGUE | By Daniel Gros at Project Syndicate via Presseurop | German ardour for the European project is not cooling, as some would have the public believe. Instead, Germany is recognising the value of the EU and above all the single currency, now more than ever.

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Post-Collapse Iceland: Capital Controls, Government Action – and (Possible) Creditor Counteractions

LONDON | By Sigrún Davíðsdóttir | There is yet no clear plan in sight as to how to deal with the estates of the failed banks and, eventually, lifting the capital controls in Iceland. However, the fact that the government has declared it intends to use a given “wind-fall” from the estates indicates that there is a certain wish(ful thinking). The question is how this “wish” will materialise – and most of all, if the creditors will stage some counteraction, either as a group or single creditors, to seek to claim their foreign assets in foreign courts.

The ECB waits for Merkel

The ECB waits for Merkel

MADRID | By JP Marin Arrese | These days, the EU institutions remain on standby mode till Angela Merkel steps in. The ECB is no exception. It is switched on but not actually working. Europe is waiting for the new German government to set the new agenda’s content and rhythm.  Only then, substantive decisions could be taken.