In Europe

Spanish companies’ foreign investment reached 45% of GDP

MADRID | By Jorge Chamizo | | The Spanish economy is in a better position to exit the crisis than it ever was 18 years ago. Capita income currently doubles that of 1995 and contributions to the social security system is much higher, too.

Warsaw Poland

Poland, a new promised land

WARSAW | The tables have now turned for job seekers in Europe. As austerity and unemployment drives young people from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece in search of work, Poland is rapidly becoming an attractive destination for international job hunters.

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Italian exports too little for ailing economy

MADRID | By Julia Pastor | Unlike Spain, where the external sector is supporting the economy, Italian exports fell by 1.9% in 1Q13, its worst register from 1Q09. The country’s GDP dropped by 0.6%, and April’s industrial production by 0.3%.

European Union

In search of a legitimate European Union

LONDON | By Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform | For more than 60 years, the EU has been built and managed by technocrats, hidden from the public gaze – or so it has seemed. In fact national governments have taken most of the key decisions, but public scrutiny has been insufficient.

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The ECB keeps its course unchanged

MADRID | By JP Marín Arrese | The ECB has made crystal clear it has no intention to undertake any extra effort in helping the economy to overcome its current recession. Its message utterly fails to provide confidence.