Spanish economy

spains economy

Spain Investment Grows, but Pending Challenges Weigh On Medium-Term Growth

The National Statistics Institute published last Thursday the breakdown of third quarter GDP, which has been estimated as having grown 0.8% in the quarter (3.4% year-on-year). This data once again stands out in the euro area, despite the fact it implies a deceleration from the 1% registered in the previous quarter. But key analysts believe that good short-term results should not cloud the fact that there are still areas of Spain’s economy which need to be improved.


Political Risk Weighs On Spain; Very Definitely!!

The political risk in Spain is a totum revolutum, where even the analysts cannot agree on what factor carries the most weight: either the Catalan secession process, the appearance on the scene of a political force like Podemos or the possibility that the  delicate balance acheived through the timid reforms implemented by Rajoy’s government could be destroyed.

bank spain

Spanish Banking Sector Reform: A Second Round On The Cards

Despite the fact that many of the banking sector ratios are improving, the Bank of Spain in its November bulletin has once again called on the industry to adjust its business model and even adapt its corporate strategy to a demanding economic and regulatory environment.


Spain CPI up 0.6% mth-on-mth; but yr-on-yr trend still negative

The day after Draghi warned about greater than expected weakness in Eurozone inflation data, Spain’s final October inflation number has been published, confirming the -0.7% year-on-year preliminary figure. But despite the fact inflation remains in negative territory, the CPI rose 0.6% month-on-month.

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Spain’s BBVA off systemically important banks list

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) announced yesterday that it has removed BBVA from its list of 30 global systemically important banks. Spain’s second biggest entity has been included in this list since 2012. But the lender will still be subject to other loss-absorbing capacity obligations, such as Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL).

Forty years of democratic Spain: No resemblance to what it was

And what if salaries in Spain are increased as Popular’s chairman proposes?

Popular chairman Angel Ron’s proposal to raise salaries in line with productivity in order to speed up the consolidation of economic growth is clearly at least worthy of a discussion. In the short-term, it would have repercussions not only on corporate profits but also on improving confidence, the recovery in consumption, the increase in production and job creation.


Spanish Economy’s Structural Jobless Rate Seen At 15% In 2018

Experts are forecasting an unemployment rate of 15% in 2018, when it is estimated that Spain’s economy will have reached its GDP growth potential, so that figure could represent its structural jobless rate. This decline in the unemployment rate, the starting point of which was 26% at the lowest point in the economic cycle, is substantial. But it will still be high compared with other eurozone countries.