banking union

Banking Union 2

Banking Union fails to fly

MADRID | By JP Marín Arrese | Depriving the ECB of the capacity to deal with ailing entities does undermine its authority as a supervisor in a Banking Union.

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Banking union: advancing in fits and starts

BARCELONA | CaixaBank research | The German proposal for an alternative Banking Union are destined to fail: mere cooperation between national authorities would not guarantee that decisions are taken in the interest of Europe’s financial system as a whole.

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Germany’s boycotting the Banking Union

MADRID | The day will come when we’ll need to calculate the costs of having Chancellor Angela Merkel re-elected, and having her making decisions about the European Union as though only Berlin deserved to be heard and obeyed.

banking union

We still need a Banking Union in 2013

By Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, XTB analyst | The toxic assets aren’t just linked to real estate and construction companies, but to sovereign debt holdings, too. Which is why, without a Banking Union the whole euro nightmare will repeat itself.