Bill Gates

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Bill Gates bites Spanish market again with Prosegur’s little purchase

MADRID | By The Corner Team | When Bill bought 6% of Spanish construction company FCC in last October Spain’s analysts remarked renowed investors interest in the country and anticipated the trend would continue in the coming months. On Tuesday, Bill Gates counterbacked with the acqusition of 2-3% of private security Prosegur.

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Foreign Investment in Spain: Vulture Funds, Venture Capitals, and Billionaires Enjoying Cheap Prices

MADRID | By Julia Pastor | Banco Santander’s chairman Emilio Botín pointed it out a couple of weeks ago: “Everyone is interested in Spain to invest”. Meanwhile, Bill Gates bought 6% of the FCC. As if light had come to the Spanish economy, €20bn of foreign investment has flooded the country in the first eight months of 2013, doubling last year’s figures.

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FCC, Bill Gates and Spanish Companies’ New Sex-appeal

MADRID | By Javier Flores and Tania Suárez | Major foreign investment operations in Spain are essentially financial and take place in strategic sectors. Bill Gates’ purchase of 6% of Spanish construction company FCC for €113.5 million is a good example. And the trend will continue and speed up in the coming months.