

Sumar, Yolanda Díaz’s project, starts off by dividing

The second vice-president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz has finally formalised the announcement of her candidacy for the presidency of the Government. Yesterday, Sunday, the presentation of her new ultra-left political platform, under the name Sumar, took place. The choice of the party’s name, which means ‘add up’ or ‘sum’ in Spanish, could not have been more appropriate, bearing in mind that no fewer than fifteen political forces will be…


“Adding” Starts By Subtracting. Yolanda Díaz Asks Her Colleagues Not To Attend The Presentation Of The New Platform Of The Extreme Left

The capacity of some political leaders to “ride contradictions” (Pablo Iglesias dixit) knows no limits: Yolanda Díaz, second vice-president of the Government, Minister of Labour, the designated successor of Pablo Iglesias at the head of the Spanish extreme left, presents tomorrow Sumar, her new political platform. And for the presentation she asks the leaders of the political left – including her colleagues in Unidas Podemos – not to attend the…