Too big to fail

bank generico

Putting “Too Big to Fail” to Rest: Evidence from Market Behavior in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Francisco Covas y Gonzalo Fernandez (Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros) | An important objective of the banking regulations introduced after the global financial crisis was to eliminate the perception that some firms were too big to fail (TBTF). The perception of being TBTF compromises public welfare for two main reasons: first, investors that perceive a firm to be TBTF do not charge appropriately for risk, creating an incentive for the firm to become riskier to take advantage of the subsidy. Second, firms not currently perceived as TBTF have an incentive to become larger and more systemic so that they become TBTF and get the funding subsidy. The dynamics fostered by both reasons also increase the likelihood that the government will, in fact, have to bail out a firm, making the perception of TBTF potentially self-fulfilling.

Ten years after the Lehman Brothers crisis

Investors Are Not Concerned About Whether A Bank Is Systemic Or Not

Fernando Rodríguez  | Analysts who study banking stocks every day do not seem to pay much attention to the factors which condition the systemic banks. In general, they feel that whether a bank is systemic or not should not influence its stock market performance or its dividend policy. It should not be the only criteria for investing in a bank.

Wall Street trader

Financial paradise

MADRID | May 17, 2015 | By Luis Arroyo | Against all odds, the Dodd-Frank law is working reasonably well, says Krugman. It was enacted by the US Congress in order to avoid another financial crisis like the one in 2008. The economy is divided between those who agree with Krugman that the blame for the disaster was deregulation initiated in the 1980s, with neocons getting power, and those who still believe (or say they believe) that markets are efficient.

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21st Century Glass-Steagall gives Wall Street the shivers

NEW YORK | By Ana Fuentes | An American bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced on Thursday a bill for the 21st century Glass-Steagall Act, a new version of 1933 banking act that put a wall between investment banking and insured deposits. Aimed to protect the American taxpayers, this aggressive piece of law would reduce the size of US bigger banks, minimizing the possibility of a government bailout like in 2008. Wall street has a new headache.