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Two analyst notes, one worrisome story

According to ACF, the total amount of debt purchased by the ECB has doubled since the beginning of August. “The ECB increased purchases of sovereign debt during the last week up to €13.960bn. This is comparing to the previous week’s €13.300bn. The total amount of debt purchased by the ECB has almost doubled in the last five weeks. Since the purchasing program began in May 2010 up until last August…

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Time to charge against Basel III, says Mr Dimon

NEW YORK | Financial Times’s interview with Jamie Dimon was intended to create momentum. JP Morgan’s chief executive is now attacking new banking rules by Basel committee, trying to convince against the new regulation to water down Basel III the same way the major US banks have lobbied in Washington to water down Dodd-Frank Act, Obama’s new set of rules after the financial crisis. Dimon’s argument goes like this: the Basel…

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“Troika to return to Greece to sort out the €1.7bn gap in public finances”

Bankinter analysts, in Madrid | This week is to be decisive for Greece. The technical team of the so-called troika of creditors (the IMF, European Union and European Central Bank) will return next Wednesday to Athens to see if the Greek government can clarify the figures it failed to make clear the previous week (this is why the troika left abruptly) and on Saturday, the euro group is meeting probably to…

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"Troika to return to Greece to sort out the €1.7bn gap in public finances"

Bankinter analysts, in Madrid | This week is to be decisive for Greece. The technical team of the so-called troika of creditors (the IMF, European Union and European Central Bank) will return next Wednesday to Athens to see if the Greek government can clarify the figures it failed to make clear the previous week (this is why the troika left abruptly) and on Saturday, the euro group is meeting probably to…

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World left tweeting after a stark resignation

LONDON | For the European Central Bank (ECB), Mr Juergen Stark’s resignation from its executive board on Friday was a “personal” matter, and judging by the reaction on the markets that description turned out to be fitting: at 4:00 pm, the euro was trading against $1.37, down 1.6% and at its lowest level since the end of February. “No wonder,” as international financial markets, HF expert and Webster Finance Professor Jacob…

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The $100-trillion withdrawal from global stock markets

By J.L.M. Campuzano, in Madrid | After four gloomy weeks, we finally get to see a welcome development: cash is now paramount. In a macroeconomics scenario like the current one, the answer to the question “what will companies spend their high cash flow on?” seems clear: share buybacks. But this is a conclusion that is still to become obvious. Meanwhile, we should be concerned with the end investor’s money. It…

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Is Mr Tordable the Spanish financial markets’ death threat, or their saviour?

LONDON | City and local investors in PAVE, a new Spanish secondary trading platform, must be happy to have recently got Equiduct and EuroCCP on board. Equiduct will be the electronic service provider for PAVE’s stock operations. It will connect private equity firms in Spain to the Square Mile’s capital funds and brokerage houses, which according to PAVE will allow it to reduce position fees 66 per cent and stir competition in one of the, so far, most conservative capital markets of the European Union. On the other hand, the pan-European clearing house EuroCCP will provide central cash equity clearing.

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EU’s Lehman-esque synthetic ETFs: don’t you blame Wall Street again!

LONDON | Will we witness an official reaction this May after having appeared the first signs of what could become the European Lehman-esque virus? According to the latest Financial Stability Forum’s special report, “the recent rapid growth and innovation in the markets of exchange-traded funds warrants increased attention by regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as by the exchange-traded fund industry including providers, market-makers and investors.”

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EU's Lehman-esque synthetic ETFs: don't you blame Wall Street again!

LONDON | Will we witness an official reaction this May after having appeared the first signs of what could become the European Lehman-esque virus? According to the latest Financial Stability Forum’s special report, “the recent rapid growth and innovation in the markets of exchange-traded funds warrants increased attention by regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as by the exchange-traded fund industry including providers, market-makers and investors.”