In Spain

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Market Pledges for Spanish Banks Passing Stress Tests

MADRID | By Francisco López | If the efficient markets hypothesis is true, it’s almost sure that Spanish banks will pass next year stress tests. The stock market is clearly betting on the strength of the country’s banking sector, as the rise in its market capitalization by 40 billion euro in just four months shows. Also, its price rose an average of 40% in 2013 and most of them are trading above their book value.

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Spanish Treasury takes advantage of investors’ optimism

MADRID | By Francisco López | Markets have positively changed their perception on the Spanish economy, as we saw in Tuesday’s Ibex bullish rally. The index surpassed the 9,800 points barrier. Also, the latest Treasury auctions have been successful and the risk premium is stable.

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Ibex 35 (and all Southern stock exchanges) goes upwards

MADRID | By Fernando G Urbaneja | The Spanish stock exchange has regained interest for both domestic and international investors. Despite the uncertainties, the South European markets look now more attractive and have shown a positive behaviour in the last months.

Spain’s debt trap

MADRID | By JP Marin Arrese | The IMF’s warning on the hefty pile-up of corporate debt has triggered angry comments from top Spanish companies. The Washington-based institution has voiced concern about its destabilizing effect on financial solvency. A lingering recovery is likely to turn liabilities into soaring non-performing assets in banking balance sheets.

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Spanish CPI plummets to 45-month low

MADRID | By Tania Suárez | The Spanish consumer prices index (CPI) dropped to +0.3% from August to September, its lowest level in 45 months, due to the statistical effect of the increase in VAT of the same month of 2012.

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Eurostat: 27 in every 100 Spaniards at Risk of Poverty

MADRID | By A. R. Mendizabal via Capitalmadrid | Total figures pile up, percentages keep on rising, the country level moves down… The statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, certifies that 27% of Spaniards are currently living at risk of poverty and social exclusion –which means one out of four citizens.

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Spanish Rating Deserves One Notch Improvement

MADRID | By Fernando G. Urbaneja | The International Monetary Fund forecasts of economic growth may convince rating agencies and market watchers, who might change their negative previsions about Spain into positive ones. For its part, the government should actively work towards one notch improvement of the Spanish rating.

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Spanish Public Pension System Gets a Pro-Manifesto

MADRID | By Tania Suárez | The Spanish Economic and Social Council (ESC) recently received the Government’s draft of the public pension system reform, which is causing lots of controversy since many retirees may lose their only income. In that sense, a group of Spanish economists and jurists have signed a manifesto to explain why the reform is not such a good idea.

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Spain: Credit to Families At Minimum Since 2007

MADRID | The Corner Team | Private debt, Spain’s big burden along with unemployment, is decreasing. Credit to families and businesses went down by 3.9% and 9.4% respectively in August, according to the country’s central bank. This means that money is still not flowing to the real economy as much as it should. However, the positive sign is that credit to families is at minimum since 2007. When it comes to asking for a loan, they think it twice.