BME | The market value of the treasury shares plus the amortizations made by these companies during the year reached 6,621 million euros in December, 9.9% more than in 2017.
The treasury stock of the Ibex 35 companies increased slightly at the end of 2018 compared to 2017. The number of treasury stock moves from representing 0.62% of those corresponding to the total capital issued by the Ibex 35 companies at the end of 2017 to Assume 0.70% in the same comparison with the Ibex 35 companies at the end of 2018.
After analyzing the data published in the official records of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) as of December 31, 2018, the Ibex 35 companies with treasury stock were thirty. Among them, sixteen increased the percentage of their own shares with respect to 2017, ten reduced it, two did not modify it and two did not have treasury shares in 2017. It is significant in 2018 to highlight the number of companies that have increased throughout the year his treasury: there were sixteen when in 2017 they did seven. This fact is reflected in the close to 50.5 million treasury shares that the selective companies had in their balance sheets to end 2018 compared to the same date in 2017. Altogether 423.2 million shares. 13.6% more than a year before.
Overall, 0.70% of the capital held as treasury stock by the members of the Ibex 35 as of December 31, 2018 had a market value of 3,298 million euros. This figure is 6.6% lower than the value of the treasury stock of the component companies of the Ibex 35 a year earlier. However, if you add the value of the shares amortized during the year by the Ibex 35 companies to December 2018, the market value rises to 6,621 million euros, 9.9% more than the 6,026 million registered by the 35 of the Ibex in 2017.
The most significant increases in treasury stock in the year were carried out by companies such as Acciona (ANA), which as of December 31, 2018 had increased by almost three million the number of treasury shares in balance with respect to the end of 2017, going on to represent 5.08% of the share capital (0.07% in 2017); Amadeus (AMS), which increased its treasury stock by seven million shares, to 1.87% of its share capital (0.24% in 2017); and the third important increase is the increase in sixty million shares of Iberdrola’s treasury stock (IBE), which at the end of 2018 represented 2.13% of its share capital (1.20% in 2017).
On the other hand, the most notable reductions in treasury shares in 2018 were those made by Mediaset España (TL5), Inmobiliaria Colonial (COL) and Indra (IDR).