A crazy day: “Where has it been seen that laws are written by criminals? That already invalidates the amnesty,” explains former PSOE Nº 2 Alfonso Guerra

Alfonso GuerraAlfonso Guerra

Yesterday, Spain had breakfast with a first council of ministers in which the president, Pedro Sánchez, wrote to his 22 ministers to ask them to “honour their word” – which, said by someone who has done everything he said he was not going to do (“getting into bed” with Podemos, agreeing with Bildu, pardoning the Procés prisoners, granting amnesty to Puigdemot and company…) may seem like a bad joke in bad taste. And to demand that they “continue to strengthen coexistence in an open, diverse and plural Spain”. Supposedly on that side of the wall that he assured in Parliament that he was building against the right (full, as we know, of hatred and rancour, incapable of accepting the electoral result, of understanding the plurinational nature of the state etc.). In short, a mockery.

The thread of current affairs then took us to the European Parliament, where the leader of the PP in the Euro chamber, Manfred Weber, assured that “Sánchez will go down in history as the one who violated the rule of law”. (But as the rule of law is not protected by the Montero law of the solo sí es sí, it is doubtful that this will come to anything).

We then learned that in this line of working towards harmony, Sánchez confirmed the renewal of the current State Attorney General, whom the Supreme Court has directly accused of “deviation of power”, and who has been reproached by all Spanish prosecutors for his silence on the dishonourable pacts of his boss: “Who is in charge in the Prosecutor General’s Office? Well, that’s who”, Sánchez explained as soon as he took office.

So Sánchez has already accumulated 2.5 of the 3 powers of the state: he governs (and very well, which is why, election after election, he does not exceed 120 deputies in a Congress with 350 seats). He legislates, and very well too. That’s why Spain is an international benchmark for blah, blah, blah… and he appoints the Attorney General of the State, and the judges of the Constitutional Court, and he pardons, and he amnesties (although he neither forgets nor forgives, as all of Spain has been able to verify) but he does not want to be an autocrat, apparently he only wants to build a wall to prevent the right wing from overthrowing the many achievements of his five years of government (with 22% of Spanish children below the poverty line, which affects 3.8 million Spaniards, with mafias who sell you the turn to be attended at the Social Security, at the Employment Office, at the ID card office…)

All in all, a hard day, alleviated at the end by the television appearance of Alfonso Guerra, who was number 2 of the PSOE during the governments of Felipe Gonzalez (from 1982 to 1996), who with his usual lucidity came to summarise: “Where has it been seen that laws are written by criminals? That already invalidates the amnesty”. And one goes to bed thinking that there is still intelligent life in this submissive PSOE, willing to go along with the PSOE as long as it remains in power and the right does not occupy it. You know, bad by definition.

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.