Sánchez, to be elected president today, justifies amnesty: “the circumstances are what they are”

spanish PM pedro sanchezSpanish PM Pedro Sánchez.

Just one piece of information: imagine what Pedro Sánchez’s investiture speech was like yesterday when, at the end of his speech in Parliament, the journalist from El País, the Sanchista newspaper par excellence, acknowledged that “she would have preferred a less divisive speech”.

Half of his speech was devoted to building a wall against the 171 MPs who will not support his investiture today, against the PP which, according to him, has joined the far-right, which would legitimise him to make a pact with anyone, including a fugitive, to ensure “a progressive legislature”.

As the daily El Mundo explains, “The socialist candidate is threading a discourse of opposition to the opposition, blaming the ‘populares’, whom he equates with Vox, for having caused all of Spain’s ills… If blocking the alternation of power against political pluralism becomes a matter of general interest, as Sánchez argued yesterday, everything is justified”.

Yesterday another historic figure in the party, a former minister, announced that he was resigning from the party because he was “ashamed” that the PSOE had submitted to the blackmail of a fugitive from justice to achieve an investiture that is expected to have the backing of 179 MPs today, including those of Junts (and ERC, Bildu, Sumar…) the beneficiaries of this amnesty, who yesterday warned Sánchez that between PSOE and Junts there will be no dialogue, but negotiation (with international observers…) or they will stop backing his new government.

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.