Almost 16 million Spaniards have collaborated financially with non-profit organisations in the last year

Eurostat: 26.5 in every 100 Spaniards at risk of poverty

Almost 16 million Spaniards (39% of the population) have collaborated financially with a Non-Profit Entity (NPO) during the last 12 months, that is, one million more than in 2020 (37%) have decided to donate to a social cause. This is according to the study ‘Profile of the Donor 2022’, prepared by the Spanish Association of Fundraising (AEFr) in collaboration with Kantar and conducted on a sample of 1,200 interviews that collects today the agency Europa Press.

22% of Spaniards who donate regularly do so on a monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis. Although there has been a slight decrease in ongoing support for non-profit organisations (NPOs) through members and donors, compared to the last study (24%), there has been an increase in one-off donations, from 13% to 17%. This growth in donations is due, in part, to involvement in different crisis situations.

Thus, 3 out of 10 citizens who have collaborated with an NGO in 2022 have done so with some of these crisis situations this year: 33% of them have contributed with donations for the war in Ukraine, 30% with the volcano in La Palma and 29% with Covid-19. Moreover, among current donors, 23% have increased their collaboration with these three causes.

Among those who have never donated or have done so for more than a year, 13% intend to support one of the NGOs’ causes in the next six months, almost the same figure as in 2020 (14%). For their part, current donors collaborate with almost two organisations, a similar figure to previous years, and 4 out of 10 of their donations are regular (membership fees, sponsorship, etc.), compared to 6 that are one-off donations.

Since 2018, economic collaboration with NGOs has increased by 3%, from 36% to 39%, but is still far from European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany or France, where more than 50% of citizens contribute to some social cause. And this increase has coincided in recent years with the last tax reform of 2014, which increased the levels of deduction from 80% for individual donations of up to 150 euros.

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.