This year, the self-employed suffered the worst summer in history. Between July and September, 60,200 self-employed workers were lost, an unprecedented figure for a third quarter in at least the last 36 years.
With the data published this Thursday by the National Statistics Institute (INE) through the Economically Active Population Survey (EPA), five years of destruction of self-employment in the summer period have been linked.
Until this year, the sharpest decline in self-employment in a third quarter was recorded in 2021, with the destruction of 49,700 jobs. After this summer’s record fall, the number of self-employed now stands at 3.14 million.
The president of the Association of Self-Employed Workers (ATA) and vice president of the CEOE, Lorenzo Amor, warned Thursday that, given the “bad” evolution of self-employment in the third quarter, in the last year the self-employed have only grown by 14,000 people.