Fernando Rodríguez | Close to nine out of 10 members of Boards of Directors – some 89% – believe that “one or two members should be replaced” on their board. This is according to the latest survey Board effectiveness: A survey of the C-suite elaborated by consultancy PwC and independent organisation The Conference Board, following questions put to 550 top executives from listed companies.
Only 29% of those selected think the Board is doing a “good or excellent” job. Meanwhile, 55% believe that its performance is “reasonable” and the remaining 16% are of the view that it is “poor“.
In general, the top executives give good marks in terms of the understanding board members have about the company’s strategy – 89% believe they have a “deep understanding” of the questions related to this area. They also have a good opinion about their knowledge of the opportunities and risks -79%- and their shareholders -76%-. Not the same story, however, with regard to those aspects related to ESG and technology, about which 70% and 61% respectively of the top executives consulted believe the board has “reasonable or poor” knowledge, or directly “gaps“.