british pound

Brexit is not about compromise

Why Brexit Could Pave The Way To A ‘Stronger and Better Europe’

George Soros via Caixin | Europe’s leaders must seize the moment to push forward reforms that can reshape the EU into an organization that people want to be a part of. Until the British public voted to leave the European Union, the refugee crisis was the greatest problem Europe faced. Indeed, that crisis played a critical role in bringing about the greater calamity of Brexit.

Renminbi internationalisation

China, the SDR And A Less Eurocentric World

Marc Chandler via Caixin | It is official. The yuan will be included in the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights (SDR). The 10.4 percent share is a bit more than I expected, but less than the 14 to 16 percent the IMF’s staff intimated a few months ago. This is a significant event, even if there is no short-term market opportunity.