british tax havens

Something smells rotten in the City

Something Is Rotten In The City

Manuel Moreno Capa | As soon as Boris Johnson swept to victory in the UK general election of last December 12, he made two decisions that have not been welcomed by the City of London: the first, to reduce the transitional period of Brexit to one year (how naive he is if he thinks his tough stance will soften the positions already taken by Brussels); the second, to appoint a new Governor of the Bank of England not much liked by the markets.

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British tax havens will disclose evader information

By S. V. at VozPópuli | London has made an agreement with British tax havens such as Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos so they will disclose name, address, date of birth, account number and transactions details of people with accounts in their territories. Then the UK will then send this information to Spain, France, Germany and Italy.