

Ferrovial begins refurbishment and extension of Ter drinking water station

Alphavalue / Divacons | The Spanish construction, services and concessions company, and Construcciones Rubau, began work last Friday on the extension and rehabilitation of the Ter drinking water treatment plant (DWTP), one of the largest drinking water treatment plants in Catalonia. The project, commissioned by Ens d’Abastament d’Aigua Ter-Llobregat (ATL), will be carried out by Ferrovial’s water infrastructure subsidiary Cadagua and Rubau’s Arema. The project has a budget of €102…

ferrovial carretera

Ferrovial increases buyback programme to €600 million and extends duration until 30 May 2025

Link Securities | Ferrovial (FER) has announced to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) that, in accordance with the authorisation granted by the General Meeting of the company held on 11 April 2024 under agenda item 8, it has agreed (i) to extend the duration of the current Share Buyback Programme until 30 May 2025 (inclusive), and (ii) to increase the maximum amount of investment under the Programme by €300,000,000,…


Ferrovial and British company BAM Nuttal to develop London-Birmingham high-speed rail link in contract worth over €1 billion

Alphavalue/ Divacons | The consortium in which the Spanish construction company participates won a contract for high-speed works between London and Birmingham. The contract could be worth more than €1 billion. Ferrovial, together with local company BAM Nuttal, will design and build the tracks between Old Oak Common station in northwest London and Curzon Street in Birmingham, which is being built by Dragados. Trains will be able to run at…

Ferrovial Toronto

Ferrovial to raise tolls on Canada’s 407 ETR by 20% per trip by 2025

Morgan Stanley | The company has unexpectedly announced an increase in tolls on its 407 ETR highway by 2025, with multiple new features and an overall increase of ~20%/trip (MSe). Changes include: i) toll increase from 1 January versus (typical) 1 February, ii) further fine-tuning of the toll network, with the 108km motorway now divided into 12 zones (against four previous) plus five vehicle types (as opposed to three previously)…


Ferrovial’s second interim dividend of €0.4597 payable as of 13 December next

Link Securities | With reference to Ferrovial’s second interim dividend of €330 million, the company announces that the interim dividend amounts to €0.4597 per existing Ferrovial share of €0.01 par value. As indicated by Ferrovial in the announcement of 28 October 2024, the dividend will be payable in shares or cash at the option of the company’s shareholders. If no election is made during the relevant period, the stock dividend…

ferrovial noche

Ferrovial announces interim dividend of €330 million (€0.45/share)

Intermoney | Ferrovial (FER) (Hold, Target Price €35) announced on Monday, after the market close, the amount of its interim dividend for 2024, which will amount to €330 million, or up 5% over last year, implying approximately €0.45/share. Shareholders will have until 22 November to choose to receive their dividend in cash or in shares, the latter being the default option. The ex-dividend date will be 6 November in Europe,…

Ferrovial Toronto

Ferrovial brings stakes in toll road and car park concessions together in JV with Interogo Holding, called Umbrella Roads

Alphavalue / Divacons | The Spanish construction, services and concessions company and Interogo Holding created a joint venture called Umbrella Roads BV, aimed at managing Ferrovial’s stakes in motorway and parking concessions in Spain, Scotland, Ireland and Canada. These assets operate under availability payment schemes or with limited traffic risk. According to a Ferrovial statement, the group will transfer the economic rights of Umbrella Roads BV, while retaining majority voting…

ferrovial autopista407

Ontario government considers expropriating ETR 407 highway, 43.23% owned by Ferrovial

Renta 4 | The Ontario government, through its Premier, has announced the possibility of taking control of the ETR 407 highway, in which Ferrovial (FER) has a 43.23% stake (50.01% CPP Investments and 6.76% AtkinsRéalis Canada), given the economic complexities involved in the construction of a tunnel under highway 401 (parallel to the 407 and which has high levels of traffic congestion). The expropriation of the asset would be done…

Aeropuerto JFK

Ferrovial leads consortium building T1 at New York’s JFK airport, USA’s largest public-private project

Alphavalue / Divacons | The company headed by Rafael del Pino is leading the consortium building T1 at New York’s JFK airport, according to Expansión newspaper. This is the most important project currently under way in the US city. The investment amounts to $10,000 million (about €9,200 million), including a historic green bond issue of 2,550 million. It is also the largest public-private project in the United States. Ferrovial took…

ferrovial noche

Ferrovial begins €300 million share buyback programme, 4.1% of share capital

Link | Ferrovial announced on Friday that, in accordance with the authorisation granted by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of 11 April 2024, it has agreed to implement a share buyback programme, which will be executed in accordance with applicable law. The Programme will have the following characteristics: Purpose: To buy back own shares of FER in the framework of different corporate actions (such as, for example, share incentives for employees,…