Christine Lagarde

Lagarde on Grexit

How hawkish really is the IMF on Greece?

MADRID | May 29, 2015 | By Ana FuentesGerman bund futures spiked higher on Friday after traders cited comments by IMF’s Christine Lagarde to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that a Greek exit from the euro zone was a possibility. As Ms Lagarde’s words heated the debate worldwide, the IMF insisted the German paper mistranslated her as too hawkish on Grexit. The print version of the interview published today is slightly different (see screenshots above).


Praising recovery in tailor-made Global Forum Spain

MADRID | By Julia Pastor | Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum, architectural symbol of modernity and refurbishment, has been chosen to hold the international forum celebrating economic recovery. Among VIP guests: IMF’s head Christine Lagarde, OECD’s secretary Ángel Gurría and Eurogroup’s president Jeroen Dijsselbloem, along with four major international Spanish companies such as Inditex, Telefónica, BBVA and Ibedrola. However, social agents and NGOs who had a key role during the crisis supporting families in severe need have not been invited.

Lagarde and Draghi

Lagarde and Draghi: train crash at Davos

MADRID | By Julia Pastor | Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund  and Mario Draghi ECB’s president were in the same Davos panel on Saturday. Both talked about signs of recovery across the world and the euro zone. However, as she said that deflation potential risks in the euro zone must not be ignored, he minimized danger and insisted once more that the bank is prepared to deploy a QE’s policy if deflation appeared.

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Ms Lagarde is right (even though the ECB would rather turn a blind eye)

By Miguel Navascués, in Madrid | There has always been tension between the IMF and those countries under its analysis over the numbers in the fund’s economic forecasts. But this time the battle between the IMF’s Ms Lagarde and the European authorities has been set over valuations of sovereign bonds held by the banks. According to Lagarde, were the bonds in the European banks’ portfolios to be valued at their current market price……