Dirty games or error? German FAZ misinterprets IMF Lagarde’s statement on “Grexit” was one of the many articles on the polemic interview:
F.A.Z. wrote a nice title on its interview with Lagarde and spread the news.
“Schuldenkrise Lagarde hält Grexit für möglich“
“Debt Crisis: Lagarde considers Grexit as possible”
But Christine Lagarde had not said that. She had said instead:
“Niemand wünscht den Europäern einen Grexit”
“No one wishes a Grexit to Europeans”
I suppose the IMF and/or Lagarde complained to the F.A.Z. which a few hours later changed its title to:
“Schuldenkrise Lagarde schließt Grexit nicht aus”
“Debt crisis: Lagarde does not preclude Grexit”
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