Botín, the FT and the age limit for bankers
MADRID | By Carlos Díaz Guell | “The FT’s addiction for obsessive and empty criticism over most euro periphery and particularly Spanish matters is getting boring but, nevertheless, worrying.”
MADRID | By Carlos Díaz Guell | “The FT’s addiction for obsessive and empty criticism over most euro periphery and particularly Spanish matters is getting boring but, nevertheless, worrying.”
By Luis Arroyo, in Madrid | In case you needed tangible proof of the harmful role the ECB played in the crisis, in the FT, Martin Wolf writes an open letter to Trichet’s imminent successor to the presidency of the ECB, Mario Draghi. The letter is an excellent article that convincingly explains why the ECB should stabilize the debt markets of solvent countries such as Italy and Spain, which are the…
By Luis Arroyo, in Madrid | In case you needed tangible proof of the harmful role the ECB played in the crisis, in the FT, Martin Wolf writes an open letter to Trichet’s imminent successor to the presidency of the ECB, Mario Draghi. The letter is an excellent article that convincingly explains why the ECB should stabilize the debt markets of solvent countries such as Italy and Spain, which are the…
Spain’s best-seller financial daily Expansión reflected on Friday how adamant the country’s banking authorities are to clear the air after the Financial Times named seven entities among a European selection of 16, all of which apparently were in extremely urgent need to raise tier 1 capital. “The British newspaper FT yesterday published, quoting a senior French official, that the European Union is to push for critical re-capitalisation of 16 banks and…
Spain’s best-seller financial daily Expansión reflected on Friday how adamant the country’s banking authorities are to clear the air after the Financial Times named seven entities among a European selection of 16, all of which apparently were in extremely urgent need to raise tier 1 capital. “The British newspaper FT yesterday published, quoting a senior French official, that the European Union is to push for critical re-capitalisation of 16 banks and…