
Christine Lagarde and Yanis Varoufakis

IMF squeezes Greece while pocketing the profits: €2.5 billion since 2010

MADRID | April 10, 2015 | By Ana Fuentes | Investors breathed a sigh of relief on Thursday when Greece met its IMF loan commitment of €460 million euro ($485 million). Markets are predicting that Athens and its creditors will reach an agreement, which would put an end to the standoff which has developed since the Syriza government was elected earlier this year. Still, creditors are using the leverage provided by the country’s current cash shortage to force Athens to make major reforms. Meanwhile they are pocketing huge interest from the outstanding loans.

Greece and its lenders: Where do you start?

Greece and its lenders: Where do you start?

ATHENS | April 8, 2015 | By Nick Malkoutzis via MacroPolis | Since it was first recorded in 1944 by American public administrator David Lilienthal, the following anecdote has been told many times and in many ways: A traveller asks a local man for directions and, after much thought, the latter turns to the visitor and says: “My friend, I tell you; if I were you, I wouldn’t start from here.” As Greece and the eurozone remain some distance apart on how to conclude their bailout negotiations, it seems a good time to return to this tale.

Jean Tirole

Europe at a crossroads

April 6, 2015 | Guest post by Jean TiroleEmbroiled with the Greek crisis, European policymakers will soon have to step back and reflect on the broader question of the future of the Eurozone. Before calling for an exit or, on the contrary, for further integration, it is worth pondering over the consequences of each option.

Greece's return

Greece in the month ahead

The Corner | April 2, 2015 | Manos Giakoumis, chief analyst with Greek financial website Marcropolis, speaks to The Corner about the most pressing issues currently confronting the Greek government. He notes that the ECB squeeze on Greek banks issuance of T-bills could prove problematic in the month ahead, and says that the thorny issue of privatisations could continue to thwart negotiations with the country’s creditors.

Now Investment

Consumer confidence points to brighter times in EMU

The Corner | March 30, 2015 | Consumer confidence in the EMU is set to hit its highest level in eight years, with economic sentiment improving across the currency block. In Spain, inflation figures are expected to remain in negative territory, but with the caveat that lower prices are having positive knock-on effects elsewhere in the economy.

debt ceiling word cloud1

EU data shows signs of recovery

The Corner | March 25, 2015 | EU data appears to show that the currency bloc is finally on the way to recovery. Figures from Spain today are likely to confirm the country’s improvement, but concerns remain about the predicament of the Greek economy.

Mario Draghi

Draghi to offer QE update as outlook improves across the eurozone

The Corner | March 23, 2015 | Mario Draghi’s speech will be in focus as traders seek further information on the effect the ECB’s QE programme is having. This week is likely to see strong growth figures posted in the US, while inflation in the eurozone will continue to languish. Greece will again be under the microscope on international markets, as direct talks between leader Alexis Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel finally get under way.