International Labour Organisation

Spain has highest proportion of contracts of 6 months or less

Spain Has Highest Rate Of 6 Mths Or Less Contracts

According to data of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which links the increase in poverty to the length of contracts, in a comparison of 18 European countries, Spain has registered the largest proportion of contracts of 6 months or less. According to its forecasts, Spain’s unemployment rate will fall from 15.5% in 2018 to 14% in 2020.

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It’s time to rethink both Keynes and Hayek… and fix unemployment

MADRID | By Carlos Díaz Güell | The Western world’s unemployment has reached brutal dimensions. There are more than 200 million jobless people around the world, representing 5.9 per cent of the labour force on the planet, according to the International Labour Organisation. Perhaps it is time to retire or rethink Keynes and also–why not?–Hayek and seek new formulas that will lead us out of the tunnel.