paris agreement

Spanish Banks coronacrisis

Spanish Bank Financing Of Oil And Gas Projects, Incompatible With The Paris Agreement

CdM | Despite adhering to international initiatives, since 2016, the top 60 banks worldwide have dedicated a total amount of $3.8 trillion to fossil fuels.  The financing of fossil fuel projects and companies results in GHG emissions incompatible with the economic decarbonisation needed to limit global warming to around 1.5ºC. In the case of Spanish banks, Bankia, Bankinter, BBVA, CaixaBank, Banco Sabadell and Banco Santander have signed up to this…

climate change north pole

Taking The Temperature On Climate Change – An Investment Perspective

Eva Cairns (Aberdeen Standard Investments) | December 2020 marked the fifth anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement. For all the promises made during the talks, countries have already fallen woefully behind on their commitments to limit global warming. But could the narrative be shifting? Client demand for Paris-aligned investment solutions is growing rapidly. For example, the UN Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance consists of investors with combined assets of more than US$5 trillion (and growing).

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Net Zero – Idle Promises?

Eva Cairns (Aberdeen Standard Investments) | Growing numbers of countries, cities and companies have pledged to become net zero by 2050 to meet the goals of the Paris agreement. Estimates suggest, collectively, these net-zero pledges represent nearly 25% of world emissions and 50% of global output.

Two things to watch out for at COP25 (and why climate stocks could benefit)

Two Things To Watch Out For At COP25 (And Why Climate Stocks Could Benefit)

The 25th United Nations Conference on Climate Change 2019 COP25 begins today in Madrid. We expect from COP25 two more encouraging developments: Firstly, a key issue left unadressed in the preceding Conference of Parties – COP24 in Katowice, Poland: the use of financial markets as mechanisms for fighting climate change. Secondly, a range of updates to countries’ individual targets, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

COP24: Here’s what to expect

COP24: Here’s What To Expect

Federica Genovese via The Conversation | Representatives of almost all the countries on the planet are gathering in Katowice, Poland, for the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They will set the course for action on climate change by discussing the implementation plan for the 2015 Paris Agreement which aims to coordinate international effort to halt warming at 1.5°C.

Trump's tax bill

The US joins Syria and Nicaragua in the anti-climate club

Trump’s rejection of the Paris climate agreement will have few substantial consequences as regards promoting home-made pollution. On the other hand, it may deter emerging economies, such as India, from delivering on their commitments in exchange for money, unless Europe foots the bill.

Carbon emissions

Industrial Growth In A Post-Paris World

Kate Gordon via Caixin| It’s official: we’re in a time of energy transition. On April 22, Earth Day, the UN’s most recent climate deal – known as the Paris Agreement – will be formally signed in New York, ushering in a new era of country-led action to reduce carbon emissions.