QE tapering

Jerome Powell

FED: Upward Surprise To December’s Projections But Powell To Throw Cold Water Over Taper Talk

Attention will be particularly centred on the discussion of QE tapering. Previous comments by regional Fed members Bostic and Kaplan stoked markets into pricing in the possibility of bond market support fading by year-end. When combined with news of an additional $1.9trn fiscal stimulus package being floated in Washington, this resulted in rising 10-year yields, which has been one driver of the USD rebound witnessed at the beginning of this year. A quicker vaccination campaign being rolled out since December has also added to a brighter economic outlook, bringing the discussion of policy normalisation to the table.

Central banks' credibility

The Central Banks’ Tapering Process Is Slow But Sure

J.L.M. Campuzano (Spanish Banking Association) | The increase in the size of the central banks’ balance sheet has without doubt been one of the untraditional measures of the financial crisis. But the president of the ECB has anticipated that probably at its next meeting in October a scheme will be worked out to progressively reduce the asset buying programme.